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Located in the business district of Gotham City, this is the headquarters of Gotham's finest. Outside, a large brick building, like many others in the city. Inside, papers are scrabbled around office spaces, the whole of it a mess. Naturally, the area for detaining prisoners isn't as nice. Perhaps a bit cleaner, but also darker and bleaker. Clearly, the Gotham City Policemen are busy people with no time to clean up.
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This area of west Gotham is a center for the city's media presence, as most of the television, newspaper, radio, and other mass media organizations that originate from Gotham have their headquarters here. Most are best known for reporting on the activities of both vigilantes and rogues whether their slant is for or against either or both, and they're fiercely competitive in their attempts to be the first to inform the public about each new development.

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West Gotham
The business and industrial sector of Gotham City. Home to the Gotham City Police Department as well as the headquarters for Wayne Enterprises. This sector is the busiest, with Gotham's workforce from blue collar to white collar travelling to and from work at nearly every hour of the day. Taxis clutter the roads, and pedestrians make their job harder. Lined with skyskrapers and other such business buildings, not many people live here. But chances are that if one lives and works within Gotham City, they're here at least once per day.
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